The Total Concurrent Targets option will determine how many computers can be targeted at one time across all deployments. If a deployment has more targets than this setting allows for, then targets beyond the configured limit will be put into a Queued state until one of the running targets finishes the deployment. The Concurrent Targets per Deployment option will determine how many computers can be targeted at once time by an individual deployment. There are two settings here, the Concurrent Targets per Deployment option and the Total Concurrent Targets option. This section of the Performance tab of your Preferences is the most straightforward. Options > Preferences > Performance > Concurrent Target Limits Deployments Stuck in "Connecting" Status.There are four sections of performance settings available, which will each be covered below along with common symptoms of a poorly configured PDQ server: There are two primary points where your PDQ Deploy server can run into performance bottlenecks - either the resources on the server itself or the bandwidth available for the server to communicate with the target machines - and PDQ Deploy offers some options that can help with each of these issues. PDQ Deploy has a number of configurable performance settings that you can modify depending on your environment and your PDQ server’s capabilities. You wish to understand the best practices for performance settings in PDQ Deploy along with common limitations and symptoms of reaching these limitations.