Why is my CurseForge not downloading? Try closing the browser you are using and clear out all “Cookies” and restart the browser. In the event where the user does not have an internet connection, it should be possible to use the app to lunch modpacks, so people don’t have to manually add profiles to their Minecraft launcher just in case their internet goes down. Please try connecting to a different network (a mobile hotspot may work as well), or try a VPN connection. Certain ISPs (Internet Service Providers) may block your connection to the CurseForge domain.

You can now return to the My Modpacks section to find the downloaded pack and press Play ! Why did CurseForge stop working? Once you find a suitable modpack, simply press the “Install” Button. At the top, you can search for a modpack or press Browse Modpacks. Open the CurseForge app and ensure it is on Minecraft through the left-side logo. Once it’s installed click ‘Launch’ to start.Double click the installer icon to install the CurseForge Client.The CurseForge / Overwolf Launcher will be saved to your download folder.

Right click on all the policies with the name “CurseForge” and click “Enable Rule”.Select “Inbound Rules”, then find “CurseForge” on the list of applications.Open windows security, then go to “Firewall and network protection” then click on “Advanced Settings”.

How do I fix CurseForge connection error? will remain in read-only mode for the duration of the migration. UPDATE: CurseForge is now offline! Packager is now shut down, and repos are shut down.